This week is we come upon a very special day. Thanksgiving Day. We have had an amazing, blessed year and are very grateful for the freedom this country has endowed us. To be able participate in a commerce that allows us to own our own business. Only 20% of the world has freedom to the extent that we do. Did you know that? And if you watch carefully, you’ll see that we need to stand guard and vigilant to maintain that freedom.
We all know Thanksgiving as some vague story about an Indian that saved a starving village in the new America. It is a fascinating story with lots of twists and turns that are not co-incidences. Look it up. Not in your child’s history book. It probably won’t be there or at least won’t be well documented there.
If you want to know what it is and can’t find it, you can always email us and I’ll get the story to you.
We want to thank all of you for being a part of our business. Even if all you’ve done is look at our website, we appreciate that you’ve taken the time to do it.