Why Wood-Alternative Blinds Are The Next Big Thing
May 15, 2024
The On-Trend Minimalist Window Coverings You Need
July 1, 2024Did you know your window shades could be your secret weapon for keeping your house cool while you’re away? With summer temps just around the corner, you’ll want to do all you can to keep your energy costs down – especially when you’re not even there to enjoy the chill. Here’s how shades make sure your house is summer-ready, while you’re at home and while you’re away!
Blocking Out The Sun
One of the best ways to keep your home cool is by installing blinds or shades that can block out the sun. They add an aesthetic layer, too, on top of providing another layer of protection from the outside elements. When blinds or shades are drawn they buffer out the sun and heat, keeping your home cool through the summer. And once your house heats up, it tends to stay hot, thanks to windows and their greenhouse effect. If your house doesn’t have a chance to get hot, that expensive AC won’t kick on as often.
Locking In The Coolness
Not only do window treatments block out the sun and prevent more heat from entering your house, but they act as cool-catchers, too! Since temperatures are always trying to be at equilibrium, covering up those hot windows prevents more cool air from escaping. Even when you’re not home, you have to keep your house under a certain temperature, or appliances and surfaces suffer. And while you’re on your vacation, the last thing you want to worry about is spending extra cash to cool an unoccupied home.
Shades For Privacy
You don’t need to announce to the world when you’re away! Keep nosey neighbors from peering through your windows while you’re gone by drawing your blinds and curtains. Not only does this provide you privacy when you’re at home, but it helps keep your house more secure when you’re on vacation. Nothing tempting is in sight!