New Window Treatments? Layer Them!
November 9, 2022
The Best Blinds For Your Home Office
December 9, 2022Simply looking for new shades can lead you down a path of many options. Before you even get to the point of picking out the color, material, etc. you still have to decide one big thing: what type of shades do you even want? There are many different subcategories of this window covering and each serve different purposes.
Cellular Shades
If you are looking for window coverings that up your energy efficiency, chances are you’ll want to look at cellular shades. In short, this type blocks or filters out light while also insulating your windows. This combination is an instant energy saver. Plus, their simple yet chic design makes them an easy fit to integrate into almost any room or style.
Cellular Slider Options
Having all the insulating benefits of their regular cellular counterparts, these sliders add – you guessed it! – a sliding component. They block and filter light as well as insulate your room, but operate on a sliding track rather than an up-and-down pull method. As such, they are perfect for covering your sliding glass doors and wider windows.
Track Shades
Perfect for large windows and seamless spaces, the track-sliding fabric system shades bring fashion and function together. They are one large, singular piece of fabric that operates on a cord or a wand system. Because of their singular panel nature, they look sleek and chic in any space and are a great choice for big windows.
Roller Treatments
Last but certainly not least: roller shades. These coverings are typically budget-friendly and also a great aesthetic choice. They also operate as a solid sheet of material that you can pull down and raise and come in a variety of colors and materials. Because of their minimalist nature and multitude of custom colors, they are a perfect fit for many rooms.
Are you ready to find your perfect shades? Call us today to set up an appointment – you’ll be in love with your new window coverings in no time!