Plantation Shutters: Why They’re Popular
September 14, 2023
Are Your Window Treatments Really Child-Safe?
October 11, 2023Cellular shades may not be as basic or well-known a term as simply “blinds” or “shades,” but they’ve made a name for themselves in the world of window treatments. But just what are they and how are they different from regular shades?
The Structure Of Cellular Shades
The “cellular” in their name actually comes from their design structure. Foldable rather like an accordion, they have a honeycomb-like cellular structure that creates a double barrier of material. Pretty advanced for some good old-fashioned blinds!
The Benefits Of Cellular Shades
The specific structure of these shades means they have advanced insulating powers. Thanks to their honeycomb build, each shade has two layers of material to double the protection from the sun. There is also an air pocket created between those layers, which helps keep cool air from escaping in the summer and block drafts in the winter. This makes them energy-efficient dreams!
The Choices
There is a good amount of freedom in choosing a style for cellular shades. There are a variety of colors and material types to choose from. As you go up and down the scale on opacity, too, you can increase their energy efficiency by blocking more light and trapping in more air. A lighter opacity, too, can allow more light into your rooms to keep the feeling of natural light without having the sun beat down in your home fully. If you prefer to keep things as dark as possible, there are also blackout options, which are perfect for bedrooms at night.
With so many benefits and choices, cellular shades are a great option for just about any room.