Custom Window Shades
Shades can transform a space and complete any room with simplicity. In addition, shades have the ability to partially or completely block our sunlight, which helps with energy efficiency and insulation as well as privacy.
Shades come in a multitude of choices and features. There are Roman Shades, Roller Shades, Honeycomb Shades and even woven and pleated shades. Many of these options have multiple options for hardware, light filtering or room darkening and much more. The possibilities are endless!
The Shutter Guy will help you with those details. We will properly measure your window while you peruse through our samples and choose your favorite option.
Our shades come with a cord or cordless (best if there are young children the home). And for your convenience, you can even select remote features for your shades.
Once you have made your selection, we will place your order and return when they are ready for installation. It’s as simple as that.